I have no idea where the time went! I thought I was still posting for July and ran into August and I have tons of photos yet to post! So in all fairness they are going to get smooshed right into Insta and here and fb. Run baby run! We have really run around of late. We have had blues, then not. Spanish then not. Drum, RIbbons, sharknado of sharks during shark week (ah the irony and the gear but such fun when it arises) only to shift again back to the next species. Folks have been great, inquisitive, and the epitome of fun!

it isn’t ALWAYS about what you catch but catching up. You have a snapshot that becomes a memory and that is yours. Childhood photos will only bring back the “I don’t remember THAT!” and that is half the fun.
Some of them we keep, some we let go (drum are an example depending on slot), some grow, some just pose for a photo and we let them all loose! The trip is really what you choose to embrace and that changes every day or every so often.

I have more photos coming up and my Instagram and fb have been busy as well. You can best book directly by calling 252 423 0039. A heads up; fishing has been busy and sometimes we have to call you back! Be glad to answer questions but alot of basic information is right here and you can get our prices etc straight from the site!

so pack your sunblock, you hats, your cooler with what you eat and drink iced up and come aboard! We have been waiting to untie and enjoy the summer as August rushes in.
We have openings this week and a deposit is required to hold any slot. You can book with Visa Mastercard at 252 423 0039 cell. Today was ribbons and sharks and some spanish. We are still seeing occasional red drum and have run quite a few 3/4 trips when weather is good looking for the extra fish. Thank you to those aboard! We really appreciate it.
Capt. Will & Viv McPherson
Sinbad Sportfishing