The Conveyor Belt Sept Update

Holy…have you seen the thermal of the tropics lately????

Courtesy of me filling in for the mate on the Cpt. Duke ! Senior tour hahahah

IKR? It makes you want to scream! So as we entered the non stop of “hey those two are going to the Gulf” and “oh, that one and another one should be out to sea in the Atlantic back to back” we have retreated a bit. We have dodged outside when possible beyond the shoals. Now as we enter this week , we have been on the backside fishing for blues, trout, croaker, mullet and the elusive 15 inch flounders!

Take your friends, break away no matter what. You need that! Stephanie made it clear how to enjoy a day out!

There is always that one Minnesota fisherman who just hooks it, hooks it..and you just put your hands o your hips, pull a Will Ferrel and say “come oN!” Also, friends don’t let friends have the second flounder hook land in your bikini top :0! Steady….steady…..lololo I could not have made it without her. I can see why they are all good friends!

orange gray sun in the sky. shadow of a sport boat, blackened in the foreground. water underneath.

UPDATE 9/18/2020

NE due to be 25mph and gusting. Waves have already built as of this morning. We are waiting for this coldfront to push out and see what the Atlantic is. We have two storm systems due to stay East of Bermuda and that is a good thingl That is why we don’t care about this coldfront from the standpoint it keeps those systems pushed off.

We have had some blues, a few tackle busters (that was not pretty) and bottom fishing on the inside. We are blocked for a few days as we believe currents will make it hard to enjoy the inside fishing personally.

Flounder is still in this month but know if it isn’t in slot, it goes overboard. As soon as we get turned around post weekend you will see it here! To those I have cancelled I truly hate it. Come on back as long as the fish run. Everything in that ocean will be brand new again and need a day or two to calm down and reorganize! Truth! So whatever we caught before may be totally different post breeze up.October is showing folks here so the plan is keep on trucking as long as it is lined up in a way it is feasible.

November we will wait till the end of October to see water temps, migration etc. That will be key.

Thank you to those aboard!

Viv McPherson

Cpt. Will McPherson 252 423 0372 cell

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