Even though this is known as a sleepy time of year, there are still the day to day movements that make you glad you can reside here. The weather as in much of the country has been a challenge to confront. It seems every pretty day has been followed by a coastal storm that spins the weather vanes!

We never actually stop working if possible here., While we enjoy where we are, the Piper expects the bills paid and that is what folks do!

Boats are still laid out, constructed, and moved towards the waters that will become their homes. Sunny days still see people enjoying the same view the Wright Brother’s must have taken in so long ago.

The blues skies, beaches which are laid out at the feet of the ocean attract many people. It isn’t an accident the wind turbines turn here. We base our stormy and sunny days on many a breeze. We continue to book into next Fall right now. Thank you for your continued confidence. I will be honest; we get alot of phone calls for our car warranty …so please leave a message if we do not pick up right away! We require a deposit to hold the spot so just call when you know when you want to go and have your cottage booked! Cottages from what I am hearing are definitely booking and being booked up.
Thanks to all and we are more than happy to see 2021 come in!
Viv McPherson and Cpt. Will McPherson