A Lion’s Mane for April

Remember the old saying: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?” Well April has been a lion’s mane overall. Great temps, sunshine but sport; there have been very few days of flat and alot more of “blustery.”

a travel lift which has two straps that hold a boat mid air. the sinbad is in the lift on a bluebird day to go back to the water.

We have already dropped back in but chose to stay out of the marina to really try our best to do absolutely everything we could think of that we wished we had time to do prior. The last two years have been excellent as folks realize you can just as easily sit here for a few hours as a group versus on the beach, jet ski, etc.

all white cockpit of the boat sinbad. it has three chairs, clean white deck and is sitting side to at the dock.

The third chair has returned to the pit upon a cleaned up deck. New carpet is due but has been delayed so for now, we will continue to be sporting blue once placed back in. That is three in the pit and two seats on the cushioned cooler for the kids once we place it aboard. Salon is also completely repainted this year to the V bunks. It has been alot of work and a total reorganization of tackle as well.

We are hoping to be back shortly to our dock. It continues to breeze up but another great week here if you do not want to be in the snow (Heidi I completely understand after seeing your pics of NY), need some greenery (ok, pollen does count but yes, things are blooming) , and the opportunity to be outside! Fishing wise mainly what I had heard in our venue was catfish then perhaps looking for the dogs. The more SW winds we can get, the better we will fish early!

thank you to those who called early but we could not fish! I really appreciate it!

To those on the books, great job! Counting down!

Captain Will McPherson and Cpt. Viv McPherson

boat cell 252 423 0039 .

If you have sent an email, we have responded. If you did not follow up with a phone call with us OR you did not use the marina online form stating that you are on our boat, then we do not have you on the books! Thank you!

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