More Cowbell-SNL lol it is!

We went to private charter schedule in August meaning that if you called us directly, you were on the books. We became unavailable through the marina. The smiling faces; I miss alot! I appreciated all the calls, emails, and it kept us untied. However, what was supposed to be a winter change, was our Fall change.Sometimes you gotta have more cowbell baby! (see Saturday night live sketch with Christopher Walken. Classic lol)

Yep. We fished our last client and that goal that day was to get them oceanside, on new fish, no huge waves , and just be there. Even though it was a stiff SW wind. We did. Tunes and all.

There were still ribbons, some drum and the beginnings of false albacore in the mix. It had all just started to move again. We wrapped it up early due to stiff SW winds not allowing the wrecks and distance. Just enough to push that out of view.

That trip was the end of the summer run for us and the run around the islands to the haulout. NOT what we hoped for but now it was going to be the large list, the turn key run down to Fall Fishing for September /October.

I know it seems like there is no process to anything but there is. There is haul out, disconnect( and extra measuring), finding one out of two motors on the East coast (yep-grateful and ready for US manufacturing-thanks Cummins), you have hoses, re-measure, configure, double check, clean, scuff, paint, drop, confirm, adjust…nothing is ever exactly as you had it years ago. Mechanics change period. The best scenario is to get close as possible and make the adjustments.

I have heard so often: “oh yeah, just drop another one in” . NO . That is NOT how it rolls . That does not include my list of decks, paint, polish, new this and that if need be. This will be the big list to clean up and give our clients a reason to sit down again I hope. Fish this year and come see us next year! Social media is always first with our updates. It is quicker and multi-platform. You will see September blocked out for us as we put it all in here. Once we are counting down to dropping in, you will see it here! In the meantime; enjoy the Fall. We have two storms this week. One is off the coast and moving North and the other will come through the Gulf across Florida and is forecasted to emerge across the Carolinas. That will be a sound and ocean event but if you are fishing; check with the active captains as we won’t forecast fishing because we are not there!

Thank you and onward to Fall and hoping September late and October was as good as last year! Ready!

Captain Viv McPherson

Captain Will McPherson

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