Around the Clock!

We got off to a nice start this year but we will be dodging the NE the next coming days. DOES that mean no fishing?:???

No. We have spent at least half the time on the back side with blues and Spanish and sunnier, calmer days oceanside looking for cobia. The first push is already past and we are working on what we see pop up. My crews have been fabulous even when the fishing was one here…one there…wind up…wind laid down.

I have about four sets of tackle ready because we literally are in three territories throughout the week. Blow boaters and long liners continue the march into Summer not really missing the days.

Alot of movement this time of year for people making their way to their next port and their next trip. I have seen alot of eye candy on some sites. It is true of course but do not think every day is like that! Today was Spanish but the cloud cover kept the sport fishing down on that score for casting.

The tournament for cobia has already past as our fish honestly seem to move much earlier than they used to historically. There have been some nice fish caught last few sunny days and also quite a few that you cannot keep so be aware it might be released. It is about getting out there, having that first time catching a saltwater fish, taking in the dolphin show (we saw a deer island hop the other day. Hope wildlife takes it back to the lighthouse) and enjoying. Even with a NE breeze we have snuck around a bit making the trip!

And so it begins!

We have a whole summer ahead of us so plan on when you wish to go, give us a call, and let us do that! NE is the forecast for the next several days so depending on how hard it blows, that will be our territory! Thank you to all who were kind enough to get us started!

Cpts Will and Viv McPherson

phone/boat (please call that and not the land line) 252.423.0039 cell Will

*yes, that is my realty site on the main page. just click the OI bridge banner for “”

thank you for that support as well! I appreciate that ! I will take it! V McPherson

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