Road Runner 8 hrs a shot

We have had some great runs the last few weeks as well as times you trolled/looked for miles trying to find a fish that wasn’t full of food! Bait has stretched for miles and there has been no shortage of that of late. I feel like the road runner. Here and there for miles then one day just working in an area when the bite is on!

Our fishing went from Spanish, to blues, to Ribbon fish to albies, to macks to blues…you get the idea. Every eight hours or so we have been adjusting. Summer has brought out the spin caster, the kayak fisherman, the everything July guy!

No angler young or old has missed the trip. Now let it never be said it is all flowers because you can get your feelings hurt on a tough day where fish have mimicked clams and don’t want to bite. Any day it works and our crews are relaxed we are enjoying it. I have more photos coming in so hang on if you are not seeing yourself here. We have been busy and all our media gives you a good idea.

This week’s question: Q : why does the marina call you to see if you are open when I call them?

A; If you are booking for that day, they have to check to make sure we didn’t just book something! We book our own trips as well and we can be on the phone at the same time. Remedy: call us directly and get it done!

OPENINGS : Sunday 21st pm or 3/4 this afternoon.

Monday 22nd Am trip only. We have had a breeze every day so far and we have a front due Tuesday so beyond those openings please call us to see our schedule.

We have many trips for many people! You can take a maximum of six and if you just have 1-4 what are you waiting for? We have the shade, some bunks, bathroom and that is a bit of comfort.

Thank you to my crews who are scheduled and to those coming aboard

Viv McPherson

& Cpt Will McPherson 252 423 0039 cell/boat

Visa/Mastr accepted

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