Hey…Hold On There Summer!

I can’t believe we are already on the back side of the warmer months heading into Fall. It truly ran together like a Monet and my calendar is a blur of names, dates, and scenarios.

man in cockpit of boat with sunglasses and hat holding a four pound moonfish. silver color,smooth, and round

Moonfish gave way to ribbons and we have been on them longer this year than in years past due to the lack of coldfronts throughout the months!

Metallic scales and three feet long they resemble something Tim Burton would draw up! There were a shot of Spanish in the mix when the bait and water was cooperating but with temps in the 80″s it was like Miami!

A run of drum for a few days put multiple citations on the boat. 25-50lbs, amber scales, amber eyes, and one of my favorites. Imagine a goldfish that became a lunker. Too big too keep this is a highly valued release fish based on sport and we look forward to every shot we can get prior to them moving on. Trying to find a quiet corner can be a challenge! As our first coldfront in weeks moved in, the wheel spun again and it was spanish and blues on the backside as the ocean looked like the surf championships. As the front pushed through, the swell pushed North, and the sun emerged again. THAT is the norm!

foggy morning with haze around a high bridge. a sport boat slowly moves along the bridge. you can feel the wet mist

I have alot of pics still to come and tomorrow is September 1st. Oh summer, man you flew! We have great weather now and are back oceanside on the hunt for albies, spanish, blues, and drum. If you want to go lets go! We have openings and I want to go prior to any weather changes being of a wind nature as rain does not affect saltwater fish in the same way as fresh!

For those not pictured here know that I have more coming! Thank you to those aboard and to that ONE charter I have every year who DOES NOT care if he catches a fish….just wants to be out there….tried to cancel him and we went and caught the heck out of the fish…..yeh yeh…you were right lololol. So next year we are going no matter what I think!

Looking forward to Fall

Viv McPherson & Will McPherson

252.423.0039 cell boat Cpt Will

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