Where the Surf Meets your Feet

The days are stretching longer. The summer temps are trying to warm the grains under the toes of those still walking the sand. Not a whiff of diesel, not a sound of a motor, just the lapping water against the sides of the boat. This would normally be the lull where sanders meet the deck.

blue green ocean waters. blue sky with one white, tall  , thunderhead cloud on the horizon.

We continue to book into the season. There is no way I am going to take this platform to flood our senses that are probably overloaded! I will take the chance to say we are crossing our fingers that the continued warm spells begin to warm the ocean temps to take us out of early Spring!

young woman dressed in black smiling holding a 40lb red drum or redfish. the fish was released back into the ocean
Drum Runner

Our summer gave us great weather last year! We had so few weather days in the mix that you always hope next year will be the same.

you have to have fun! How else can I put it? It is for getting out to nature, seeing what is what, keep some, release them all and keep a digital ; you decide. I think what keeps fishermen there is knowing each day is different. Your office has no walls. There is always a “boss” by the way and that would be mother nature. So as long as you keep that in mind, work within those confines you are good!

father and son holding onto fishing pole. both smiling as the young man cranks in his fish in the sunshine on the ocean.
sunrise leaving the marina with sunlight behind spotty clouds. shadows of docked boats to the right. calm waters

So look at the calendar, mentally pack your bag, and if you have your cottage reservation (especially if it is peak time) give us a call. We have various trips and take all skill levels. We will be giving some local eye candy on our instagram at sinbad_sportfishing so be sure to catch it there! Everyone needs some room to breath! I have fill ins already calling lol, Love that as we are ready too! I have not even put my lines in and they want my job!

Remember there are no dumb questions. Ask it. How else will you know? Not sure? call or email.

Thank you to those on the books and those moving their schedules. Toes in the sand and rods on the boat.

We will be here!

Cpts. Viv & Will McPherson

252 423 0039 boat cell always on.

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