And THEN what??!!!

I could automate my blogs across platforms…I SHOULD but where is the challenge in that? Doing that would be so professional! lol

If you have not been clicking on the social media icons on our page for instagram and facebook (which is a very quick catch up) , then let me update you!

collage of smiling anglers , box with spanish mackeral in it, sunshine, sand dunes

We passed through a week of NE winds. What started as a bite here and there for ribbons has morphed into more fare! Sure , sometimes we can catch only one species because that is fishing. You can also catch nothing which folks may want to keep in mind. Summer days and temps have been super. we have some cloud cover, good seas so far, and fish in the pics! Spanish finally made the appearance both backside and oceanside. They have had predators on them so it has been a “tag you’re it” kind of game!

collage of two boys holding albacores, spanish macks with a sunset in the background behind all the photos.

I have had great younger anglers and I have also seen them in the cockpit when the dads needed a nap! It was up to them to hold the fort down and they usually saw the pole quicker than I ! lol

collage of pictures with a dock full of fish, boy in a poncho with a pizza design and ramen hat

I mean honestly, let us just put it out there! They have been working me! You cannot be unhappy when someone comes fully dressed for the occasion! Ramen and pizza for the win! Oceanside as long as it is calm (and yes note we fish in the rain. the fish are already wet people….they don’t know) or doable, we are there. Once in a while a moonfish, ribbons (see the social for taco, buttermilk marinade, garlic and vinegar, all recipes are being used at present), ribbons, spanish, shark(small)-we are trying to be ready for what is biting.

two women smiling holding a small redfish for release to the ocean.

We release what needs to go back and that is what digital is for!

OPENINGS: we are open this weekend into Monday. Kids are headed back to school which is the perfect time to hit the water. Honestly, the fish act like they are eating for a move so take advantage while they are nipping! Deposit is required to hold all trips.

thank you to those aboard! Thanks to TJ for fishing for me today as I was tied up but back aboard tomorrow! 40 years is flying by. where is the time going?

Cpt. Viv

Cpt. Will McPherson 252.423.0039 cell

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