All Things Fall & “Rocky”

If you have not been on our social media, I will catch you up here. What was the great news this Fall? On days the weather was steady oceanside, we saw some of the BEST blues blitzes we have seen in the last four years in my opinion! We have had school after school of birds to usher the way on some days. Were you casting?

If you were out just prior to this week’s breeze up (more on that) , it was made for you. Working boats could have been on one school and you could have chosen another. It also has been the most “bo macks” I have seen all together in years.

Even the fish house noticed! Albies? It was like chasing a thoroughbred but they were popping up and down. They liked the sunrises and took a break later.

We love our families . I welcome sage and newbie! Even the crews had iced some blues for dinner!

The frustration came in when we would get three days of great and then a few of “whoa, here we go. No Atlantic today.” Folks are working hard now. You do your best to balance bite and seas. We are not the boss. If you think you can take a vessel and be the boss of the Atlantic, have at it boss! lol I am too old to challenge neptune on that score.

They cannot necessarily get here when the weather is easy. We did a stint in the channels on the last go around prior to our last calm ocean trip.

last drift! Lucky duck!

LOTS of smaller fare in terms of calico and pinfish. Just one or two trout bites (which will change here in November for surfcasters and small boaters) and one or two mullet. Big runs of spots were literally laying on the beach in Ocracoke due to big blue blitz a few weeks ago. Go see the pics! All oceanside! I miss the runs on the inside!

Same drift as the Trout!

Surfcasters: this is your time! Hit the wild ocean when we are tied for drum ! They love the chop! Little bridge saw some trout as well. As it lays down next week, fish the beaches for the next run of fish but they are moving South for sure.

Ok….I had to open everything so it knew to go. Literally flew into the boat! It belongs on my yard’s water oak!

STRIPERS: our season was closed all October. Marine Fisheries JUST put out their proclamation. I think it is labeled

FF-56-2022. That included our area. It will open November first and I believe it is one fish per person but make sure to have the latest information online at their site so you know when and where. DO NOT forget your license if you are on your own in your own! Up to you to be that responsible person! Our plan is to sit that out as that area becomes congested. There are boats fishing so please call the marina to arrange your trip on that fish!

Literally just showed up! First day they bit!

NE: we had about 48hrs for the nearshore crews to not have huge current and big ocean surf. Then back to NE gusting to 25-30mph. We have a low that is to mesh with what is here . Makes it hard on everyone. I met a few more fishermen yesterday by chance out and about and tied to the dock -we are. We are blocked from bookings here on out online wise. You can still book us for 2023. That is now open.

We spend all year directly booking at home as well so this time of year you are trying to hit weather pockets. Honestly, if the fish were running and it was pretty that would be great. Wait and see after this blow. Fish move! They are in full migration! Once it settles , if it looks like they are past, we will tie for the year for us personally. Again, still guys at the marina!

Thank you to those who made our year again this year. Never perfect, always fishing, but just the best to have you aboard to do what we can within nature!

Viv McPherson & of course Cpt. Will

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